Stop Digital Identity Theft with Automated Face Identification Technology

Nowadays everyone is living in their digital world. Whether they have to check for the weather forecast or have links with different companies, they need to use technologies in their lives. The advantages that are linked with these technologies are never-ending. So why are most people afraid to utilize it in their lives? To understand this first we need to know the fact that as technology is growing so does crime.

People have claimed themselves as unknown on online platforms and you never know when your account will be hacked by some stranger. Likewise, people are also afraid to use the face identifier technology that is meant to build a trusted relationship between clients and their companies.

Yearning for Closed Ones? Let us Discover them

In the United Kingdom, almost 112,853 houses yearn for their children, who were reported as kidnapped or missing from their hometowns. This process of kidnapped children goes on for a very long time and many times the families are unable to find their children. For these reasons, China has taken this initiative to work for the missing kids, to find them and reunite them with their families. 

China has started to combat such problems by unfastening the belt of face scan identity technology. This process will include three steps:

  •  For this, parents have to post an original image of their child.
  •  and then the system examines the picture and looks out for matches that resemble their 


  • After successfully getting the match the system reconciles the child with the family.

Face Identification, a Quick-Fix for Lethargic Riders

You must know about the motor vehicle accidents that happen every year. The United States faces Almost 25% of vehicle wrecks every year. Thinking about the reasons behind them must include:

  • The rider must be tired and need sleep.
  • The rider is not feeling well because of some medicine or drugs.
  • Not a proper check on the driver’s condition that leads to an increase in accidents.

For these reasons, Face verification technology has taken this enterprise, which will make the riders awake while driving. In traditional times, a bell was used as an alarm that was put near the neck of the rider to make them awake in case of any emergency. Nowadays automated face identification technology has taken its place. In this process, the system can see whether the rider is sleeping and it even tells about how many times a driver has blinked the eye. It works like a live camera, notifying you about every single action the rider performs.

Face Identifier as an Organizer 

Now with a face identification system, It has become more convenient to manage phone files and images that are overflowing from the phone. There are a lot of apps that can manage files but no one can sort the file out on one click at one time. With this feature of face scan identity, a user can easily pick out the photos of someone from the file by looking at the faces that were saved within the phone. This facial recognizer is applicable in:

  • Google Photos
  • Apple phones
  • Adobe Lightroom

It can be applicable in any other photo manager where this feature of face identifier is set. In this feature, it is easy to give names to the people in the pictures, and in their naming folder, the user can easily find the faces.

Facial Dating apps

Face identification technology also offers dating apps. These dating apps clearly show the authentic version of the client to their partners. In most dating apps, it becomes difficult for the client to understand whether it is fake or authentic. However, some apps offer video identification technology. 

Combat Digital Identity Theft

Face identification online provides a wide range of measures that clients can take to save themselves from the digital loss of identity. Most of the legitimate firms are trying to figure out the solution for this identity theft by reading the facial features. It is astonishing for most people when someone talks about detecting identity theft scammers before their criminal activity. But now the technology has gone so far, However, it has become an easy task to detect crimes through digital face identifiers. 

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Through face identifiers, authorities can easily detect the criminal, if they have accurate information. They can easily trace the culprit’s location and exact time of leaving that place. 


Face identification service provides a powerful solution against deep fakes and the risks of crimes. This service safeguards all digital identity thefts and offers its solutions to a wider audience. It is easy to utilize and way faster than the traditional measures to stop fraudulent activities.